Airstalk social privacy policy

Airtalk social is a social product provided by us. When you use some functions, we will collect some sensitive information from you after obtaining your consent. However, we will take corresponding measures to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of this information

normal use of airtalk social app will use the following permissions:

we will get your IP address, which can sometimes show your geographical location.

We will get your browser type and browser language, operating system type, broadband type
We will get the MAC address of your device

Read location information from your media collection: to recommend chat friends to you based on your location
read and write external storage: allows programs to read and write external storage to save settings, files and other information related to airtalk chat applications

get network status: get network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid

get WiFi status: get current WiFi access status and WLAN hotspot information

read call status and mobile network information: accessing network connection may generate GPRS traffic

take photos and record videos: access to cameras is allowed, and cameras are required for video chat

recording audio: recording voice through the microphone of mobile phone or earphone, chat room live need to use recording

wake up lock: allows the background process to run even after the mobile phone screen is turned off, which can avoid people falling out of the room when switching to other applications

disable keyboard lock: allows programs to disable keyboard locks

modify sound setting: modify sound setting information

using Bluetooth: allows programs to connect paired bluetooth devices

Use vibration: allowed vibration

The permission is only used when you set this application to start automatically

Micro payment: wechat payment will be used when purchasing virtual gifts of airstalk social platform through this application

The focus of online privacy is to protect "customer identifiable" information, which is what individuals or other customers want to be protected by privacy. As the term literally means, "customer identifiable" information refers to information associated with a particular individual or entity, such as the customer name, address, telephone number, email address, and information about online activities directly related to them.
By providing us with relevant information and visiting this website, you accept and agree to the provisions of this privacy policy.
What information do we collect and how to use it?
Airstalk social communication has different focus on information collection at different times. For example:
1. personal information necessary for your service
When you first join airstalk, you need to provide information such as contact information. In general, we will not disclose these personal information to others.
However, once you use airstalk to socialize or become a member (whether it is paid or free), you have licensed us to disclose this information to our affiliates, parent companies and other relevant legal and commercial institutions with control of our joint venture. However, the above legal entities and business institutions that have obtained your personal information from us will also comply with the relevant provisions of this privacy policy when using and disclosing these personal information. We may also disclose such information in response to subpoenas, permits, court orders, government agency orders or other legal proceedings, if we are satisfied that it is applicable to law or government authorities. All relevant personal information will be transferred to the computer network for maintenance, which may be located in a state / Province, country or other government jurisdiction other than your residence, and there may be no law in which privacy is equally protected as your country.
2. collect non personally identifiable information (specific or collective information) to improve our service quality
In addition to the personal information necessary to provide services, we also collect data (not identifiable personal information) to monitor and improve the service quality and performance of airstalk social. For example, when you browse a web page, the URL, date and time, and browser software used are automatically recorded.
Gathering specific or collection information helps to ensure the accuracy of accounts, better marketing our products and services, and help you maximize the use of our website. For example, our server will identify your domain name and the page you visit. The data is collected in a collection way to help us control the quality of our services and improve the website.
Airstalk social will provide comprehensive statistics on sales, browsing patterns and navigation technology to trusted third parties from time to time. These are not personal identifiable information designed to help airstalk socialize to improve the products and services it provides.
3. voluntary personal information - such as questionnaire survey, newsletter and third party information for airstalk
We collect information you voluntarily provide through the questionnaire, contest and registration pages and use it only to improve your airstalk social online experience. All questionnaires will be kept strictly confidential. In general, we will not disclose, disclose, sell, distribute, lease, license, share your personal information or transfer it to any third party. Airstalk will work with other organizations on an irregular basis to provide you with special advice, competition events and subscription services. We will require all third parties offering offers and subscriptions to state clearly the purpose of all information they collect, and will require them to include hyperlinks to their privacy policies in the recommendations and subscriptions provided.
In addition, all proposed terms need to be clearly and accurately stated. Please read these contents carefully and know clearly that it is your own choice to disclose your identifiable personal information to a third party. You provide information to third parties on a voluntary basis.
Airstalk is always cautious in establishing business relationships with third parties and will not share, disclose or sell any personally identifiable information collected on our website with a third party company or organization if it does not meet all of the above requirements.
4. contact you by email
We may use your email address for any purpose you use to provide the email address. For example, answer feedback about our website or service, provide any information you require, send email confirmation, or contact you for other reasons.
5. create file
We only record and post (post) information that you provide directly to airstalk as part of the service. The published file contains all the information you provide, and can be seen by anyone who can access the Internet. Our website explains in detail what information will be released for free viewing. You can remove this information from the web site at any time. In general, we will not disclose personal contact information to any member or individual.
Please note that any user of our website can access, download and print all the information you provide. We are not responsible for the use or disclosure of information you provide on our website.
When do we collect personal information?
In general, we collect your personal information including, but not limited to, the following:
��Register as a website user;
��Send us email;
��Release of files;
��Use our chat service.
For what purpose and to whom will we disclose your personal information?
In general, we will not disclose your personal information to anyone, but if you use our archive service, you agree to disclose the information provided in the service to any other person who participates in the same service.
How do we protect your personal information?
We use high technology to ensure the security of your sensitive information and prevent unauthorized access and improper use. Your personal password is confidential and has been encrypted to ensure its confidentiality. Only by providing a password can you edit your personal details on the membership services page. However, I believe you also understand that no matter what strict measures are taken, information leakage will inevitably occur. In case of such cases, you agree to exempt us from our corresponding legal responsibilities.
Unsolicited business email (UCE) or junk e-mail
Spam is a marketing or business email you receive over the Internet without a request. Airstalk has never and never supported or allowed such behavior.
Usually you will receive our business or marketing email only after you have made a clear request. You can send us an email stating that you no longer want to receive such e-mail, and we will respect your choice.
We will also send email to provide general information about our services or products and services provided by others.
Use of website / service
Only adults over 18 can join airstalk, and we will not sell this website to minors.
Privacy tips
��After you have finished surfing, always remember to exit the site and turn off airstalk social software so that no one else can take advantage of your information and communications.
��Airstalk social has no control over all linked sites and therefore assumes no responsibility for all the actions of these websites (companies). Please read the relevant terms and conditions carefully when you use other website services.
��Do not disclose your password and membership details. If your account is illegally accessed, please let us know immediately. Please change your password from time to time.
��It is prohibited to publish personal contact information on airstalk social website. We are not responsible for the disclosure of personal contact information to other members of the website on our website. Personal information includes name, telephone number and home address. Note - if you voluntarily disclose personal information, it is possible that you will be collected and utilized by others. Please be careful!
��In order to protect the social and all members' interests of airstalk, it is prohibited for members to use any network software (including but not limited to QQ) on any public information platform (including but not limited to any website, web page, newspaper, periodical, television, film, etc.) or any network software (including but not limited to QQ MSN and other instant messaging tools) will be published in the process of its ID or nickname on this website with any contact information of the corresponding member.
��If you plan to meet people you meet online, be careful. Remember, online communication and real situations can be two things. If you still decide to meet with users, please choose public occasions during the day or with more people; And tell your good friends or family about it. Be sure to tell them where you are going and when you will probably be back.
When will we disclose what kind of information?
We will provide statistical information on sales, trading patterns and navigation technology to trusted third parties from time to time. This statistic only contains the data collected from our airstalk social network customers and members, as well as other users. It does not include direct personal information that identifies our database members or our customers.
We use a feature in your browser called "a cookie" (a cookie memory block) to specify the user ID. Cookies can identify the computers you are connected to our server when you visit our website and extend the capabilities of services we provide within the scope of our website. You must enable the cookie feature of the web browser to use the services of the airstalk social site.
We reserve the right to allow third parties (including airstalk social companies or airstalk social company affiliates, advertising companies, advertising alliances) to place advertisements on our website. These companies may use tracking technologies, such as cookies, to collect user browsing and clicking information about ads. Our website will not provide any personal information to these third parties, but they may collect relevant information through the actions of browsing, clicking and other advertisements provided by you or other people using your computer. They may also combine this information with the personal information you leave on their advertising site. The collection and use of such information are subject to the third party privacy protection provisions. The purpose of this information collection is to provide more targeted advertising for these third-party advertising companies and improve the advertising effect.
Airstalk social use protocol
You must agree and abide by our "registration and use instructions for airstalk" and "Regulations on the management of social video of airstalk" before you can use the services in specific areas of our website. Our "instructions for registration and use of airstalk" and "Regulations on the management of social video of airstalk" constitute all understanding and agreement on relevant issues between the two parties. If there is any inconsistency or controversy between the registration and use instructions of airstalk and the regulations on the management of social video of airstalk and this privacy policy, the registration and use instructions of airstalk and the regulations on social video management of airstalk shall prevail. If there is any ambiguity in this privacy policy, The application of the "instructions for registration and use of airstalk" and "Regulations on the management of social video of airstalk" can be applied for interpretation.
Instructions on the use of the network by minors
It is important to note that, like many other websites, airstalk social networking is difficult to identify whether the members or other individuals using the website are actually minors, and whether the personal information requested online is true and correct. As soon as we find out that any minors use the website, We have the right to cancel the account number and all relevant information of the member immediately. Any damage caused to the minor or other members shall be borne by the minor and his guardian. You have also accepted that we will not be liable for any damage in the above circumstances when using this website.
Force majeure
Before using this website, you agree that you may suffer any loss or damage caused by any event or circumstance beyond our reasonable control, including but not limited to war, invasion, terrorist attack, natural disaster or other force majeure, and any technical failure, electrical short circuit, third party invasion of the website, etc, We don't take any responsibility.

Airtalk Network Technology Co., Ltd